March 7th, 1891
Church and Society Notices
S. of V. – meet at Colburn’s hall, third Tuesday of each month. F. O. Willmarth, Captain; Albert Ulitsch, First Sergeant.
Baptist Church – Mr. Henry, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Evening services at 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school 12 m.
Methodist Episcopal Church – Rev. Wm. Clark, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school at 12 m. Class meeting at 7 p.m.
German Evangelical Church – Rev. A. Schuester, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A.M. Evening service at 7:30 P.M. Sabbath school at 9 A.M.
German Evangelical St. Paul’s Church – Rev. E. Rahn, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 A.M. Sabbath school at 9:30 A.M.
We had quite a snow storm Tuesday.
Lee Comstook is sick with the scarlet fever.
Dowell and Mark Bennett were in town Friday.
Wm. Sherman of Chicago is here for a short time.
The tax collectors have completed their work for this year.
There is some talk of having a dance here March 17th.
Miss Carrie Meyer of Elgin, spent Sunday with her parents.
Samuel Clark will run his own farm in the town of Cuba this year.
Fred Heimerdinger of Chicago was here for a few days this week.
Mr. S. Seebert had a car-load of wool shipped from Cary Monday.
Wm. Donlea is able to be out again after being laid up for some time.
Go to A.H. Reese and see his line of 19 cent Worsted Dress Goods.
Mr. Janes, of Chicago, was at the Vermilya House Sunday.
Miss Grace Bennett, of Chicago, made Barrington friends a visit Sunday.
Miss Dora Lowery, of Chicago, made Mrs. Shufeldt a visit one day last week.
Remember we print election tickets at this office on short notice; give us a call.
John Collen, a prominent young man of this place, is talked of for Town Collector.
For Sale or Rent. -- C.J. Dodge's house. Inquire of M.W. Dodge, Barrington, Ill.
Henry Compton, who met with an accident, recently, is able to be around again.
Mr. C.A. Warren, of Albany, Wis., visited his friend, C.C. Flint, Sunday and Monday.
Three tramps were locked up in the cooler Thursday night by our night watchman, Schoppe.
Mr. and Mrs. Hinze, of Chicago, visited her parents, Mr and Mrs. H.C.P. Sandman, Saturday.
Mr. Joyce of Waukegan, succeeds Mr. Ulitsch as day operator for the Chicago and North Western Ry.
Our people are hoping that the E.J. & C. road will put on two regular passenger trains over its line.
It now looks as though the house which was to be built by Mr. F.J. Buck, this summer, will not be finished.
Horace Church has moved on his father's farm. Mr. Clark has gone to Wauconda and will work Mr. S. Ford's farm.
There is some talk among the boys that wore the blue and others, of giving J.J. Gothard the nomination for Town Collector.
The house that C.A. Alberding had rented at Elgin, was destroyed by a fire a few days before he intended to take possession.
Jacob Zimmerman has purchased the house and land opposite Arnold Schauble's machine shop. Consideration, $2,200.
Rev. Wm. Clark and wife, of McHenry, called on friends here Tuesday. Rev. Clark preached the funeral sermon of Miss Margarete Smith.
Mr. A.L. Waller has commenced work on an addition to the house he has rented of C.A. Alberding. Oscar Maynard is doing the work.
Our public school closed during the present week on account of sickness. We understand that the school will be opened again Monday.
Miss Maude Otis came home Friday evening to spend a few days and took the right hand of fellowship at the Baptist church, Sunday.
For sale or rent, house and barn with five acres of land three miles north of Barrington, near Honey Lake. Address H. Kolling, Barrington, Ills.
Albert Ulitsch, who has been day operator at the office of the North Western road, has received a well earned promotion. He is now station agent at Cragin.
A.H. Reese, who is running the new dry goods store in the Lamey building, says he is doing a good business and talks of putting in a stock of groceries.
Mr. Lyman powers was taken sick Monday and has not been able to be at the office. Mr. Brigham has taken his place until he is able to return to work.
The Chicago and North Western Ry. have been transferring a number of cars to the E.J. & E. Ry., as many as 55 being consigned to that road in one day.
The Palatine Military Band gave a concert at Lamey's hall last Saturday evening; it was not very largely attended as it was not advertised very extensively.
On Wednesday of last week articles were filed at Springfield increasing the capital stock of the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Ry. company from $3,000,000 to $6,000,000.
The Village Board held their regular meeting Wednesday evening. The Village Attorney was instructed to draw an ordinance to open Cook street south as far as the village is platted.
Mr. A.H. Klein's house was burned to the ground Friday night of last week. Insurance on house is $2300 and on furniture $800.00. Mr. Klein and family escaped from the fire and did not have time to save anything of much value.
A gang of swindlers now going about the country near Vandalia, fleecing unsuspecting farmers, are worse than lightening rod peddlers. They offer to paint the roofs of a farmers buildings for $5.00 and then at the end of the job, bring in bills for forty gallons of paint at $1.50 a gallon.
List of letters remaining at the post office uncalled for, March 1st, 1891. E.W. Andrews, Miss W.M. Ames, Geo. Crassman, Fred Fisher, Mrs. S.A. Hankins, Earle Munson, F.M. Harlow, Louise Shultz, Oscar Unsicker, John C. Plagge.
Died -- Sunday, March 1st, 1891, Margarette R. Smith, aged 4 years. The funeral occurred Tuesday, March 3rd, Rev. Wm. Clark of McHenry, officiating. The floral offerings were very handsome. She was a very smart little girl and will be missed very much by her parents and young friends.
Mr. John C. Christ has accepted a position in a Chicago bank; during his stay at Barrington, he has made many friends, and will be missed very much. Albert Robinson, a prominent young man of this town, has taken his place at the Barrington bank, and we consider him fully capable; his many friends wish him success.
Mr. F.C. Tegtineier believes in doing what he can to sustain a home paper. He is a subscriber of this paper himself and pays for two other subscriptions which are sent to his friends. If every one in Barrington would do the same, which they ought to, it would increase our circulation wonderfully, and Barrington would be represented where it is not now.